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Getting Started

Before getting started, you'll need to download and install the Unity Hub and Unity Editor.

Import the thirdweb SDK, by downloading the .unitypackage file for the version of the SDK you want to use (usually youll want the latest version) from the Releases page on the GitHub repository:

Download Unity Package

Add the package to your Unity project by clicking Assets > Import Package > Custom Package like so:

Import Custom Package.png

Select the .unitypackage file you just downloaded from GitHub to open the Import Unity Package menu.

Leave the default files selected, and click Import:

Click Import Button

In your Project window now, you'll be able to see all of the resources that were imported:

Project Window

Now youre ready to use the SDK. Use any of the prefabs, scenes, or scripts that come within the Examples folder, or create your own script and instantiate the SDK to get started.

using UnityEngine;

// Import the Thirdweb SDK namespace
using Thirdweb;

public class ThirdwebSDKDemos : MonoBehaviour
// Create a Thirdweb SDK instance to use throughout this class
private ThirdwebSDK sdk;

void Start()
// When the app starts, set up the Thirdweb SDK
// Here, we're setting up a read-only instance on the "goerli" test network.
sdk = new ThirdwebSDK("goerli");